
Aphor offers three services to help you set-up or transform your data capability to drive business results.


Providing expertise in how to set-up or transform your data capability end to end:

Maybe you need help with the outcomes of decisioning, analytics and business performance; or perhaps it's the underlying data engineering, data quality management and end to end data governance that is your challenge?

We have structured capability models and definitions so that your path to improvement can be rapid

We will show you how to focus on building a Data Roadmap rather than a Data Strategy. We will help you define and engage stakeholders in immediate actions, so that change and stakeholder belief happens quickly by tackling some of today's key business challenges and opportunities

We will show you the different skills needed so that your data story moves from showing facts to understanding impact and defining action to be taken 

Across the whole ecosystem from team set-up to results delivery, Aphor has the experience to help you


Fractional Leadership

Not everything has to be 5 days a week. Fractional Leadership is a way to engage part-time leaders for specific needs:

Starting, experimenting, discovering new areas, practices or skills

Coaching leaders who are stepping up or stepping across into new areas

Immediate expertise and acceleration with lower cost. Short term resource where both speed and budget are constraints

Flexible - can use for both consulting and delivery. Can report anywhere, no competition with full-time leaders, a role that helps them to grow. Can stay for as short or as long as you need  

To ensure the expertise doesn't leave before the organisation can do it for itself. For example, 6 months for a day a week rather than 1 month full-time may work better for many needs

Highly efficient and cost effective - how much of your 5 day a week leadership is really spent on the highest value items? A Fractional Leader can be just as committed and just as effective as they only have time to work on key matters

Different to a Non-Exec Director, as the role is more content-specific, and is about doing as well as advising

Interim Leadership

For when you need a little more than consulting or fractional leadership in data, by having someone to show you the way for a defined period:

Data is about telling stories to persuade, and stories need Heroes. We can help you create your Heroes by leading and coaching the team for a defined period, so that change is embedded  

Whilst showing you how to operate your new capability, we can coach your permanent leaders so that they can drive the next stages in your own data story

If you aren't sure exactly what your permanent leader needs to be and do, an interim leader can create and show you how to operate the capability that enables you to really understand the Hero that you want you permanent recruit to be